Saturday, August 7, 2010

Viktor But: The Lord of War

Probably most of us have seen the movie „Lord of the War“. Good movie, by the way. Less of us have heard, that the movie is supposed to be based on the life of Russian Viktor But, currently waiting for the sentence in some distant prison in Thailand.

Short prelude: Viktor But was born in 1967 in Dushnabe, Taiikistan and graduated from Moscow military institute of foreign languages. Is 1991 he established his own business of air transportation to Africa. In 90ies was repeatedly mentioned in CIA documents related to illegal arms trade until in March 6, 2008 Viktor But was arrested in Bangok. Almost year and half later But was found not guilty based on lack of evidence. As US government appealed, But is expecting new trial to be held during 3 years.

But's story: Viktor But's story:

Short extract from Star magazine of interview with Alla But, the wife of suspected arms trader.

46-years old Alla flies to Thailand to spend few month with the husband. Or not so much of these months though as she only gets 20 minutes of visitation time every day. Daughter Lisa has seen her father just few times in last years.

Star: In 2005 the movie „Lord of War“ was screened with the prototype believed to be Viktor But. Have you seen the movie and what do you think of it?

Alla But (AB): I’ve seen half of it and it has nothing to do with Viktor. As my husband mentioned in one of the interviews to Russia Today: “I feel petty of Cage, it’s a pretty dumb role and pretty bad movie.” He also feels tired of being called „the Lord of War“ or „Death Trader“. He’s a fully legal businessman and expecting he’s case to be fully reviewed to prove it.

Star: Your husband was in 2006 though called by president George Bush his personal enemy because of trading weapons to Angola, Togo, Rwanda and several other countries.

AN: Weve read his statement and I was shocked while Victor mentioned with irony: “Well, it looks like Bin Laden in now suitable to be only my secretary”. I don’t believe Bush had any personal issue with Viktor. The elections were coming and it was very important to celebrate another victory in war against terrorism. As Bin Laden was uncatchable, it was important to trap someone other enemy. As soon as Viktor fell into trap in Thailand, the ratings of Bush boosted.

Star: As it is written, in 1991 Viktor started the aviation business working with Angola and South Africa and became a billionaire.

AB: It’s bullshit. Where could he possibly have gotten billions?

Star: It’s said that he had 60 airplanes…

AB: At it’s best he had 20 planes and transported electronic devices such as refrigerators, wallpapers, food products.

Star: Well, it’s said that besides that he transported and traded arms and leaders of African countries paid him with diamonds.

AB: My husband was made into arch evil. Believe me, he never got paid with diamonds.

Star: What gives you the reason to believe that your husband is innocent?

AB: When we returned in 2001 from Angola to Moscow, he was almost broke, extorted from the market.

Star: On what do you live then?

AB: Brother of my husband is of great help, we basically live on his money. Before, I used to design clothe and had lots of clients in Moscow. Now the business is closed.

Star: 23.07.2010

Anna But:


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